A good blog writer today is in high demand since content marketing has become an integral part of a brand’s marketing strategy. According to Semrush – Content marketing is predicted to be an industry worth $412.88 billion by 2021.
A blog writer would cover a large spectrum of writing that includes writing for websites, blogs, magazines, copy for Ads, social media, press releases, and more. In this blog, we will focus on what a blog writer needs to do to stay ahead of the game.
As the demand for the content itself is very high, content writers need to keep up with the pace. To do so, writers usually make use of software-based tools that aid them in creating written content at a much faster speed.
No matter how skilled or good a carpenter is, he/she is still useless without his/her hammer. Similarly, professionals in any industry are not as efficient in their work without the use of modern-day technology-based tools.
A marketer or a lead generation specialist needs marketing technologies, CRM tools, and much such software to speed up and improve the quality of the work.
Similarly, a blog writer can use paraphrasing tools, grammar checkers, keyword searchers, AI-based writing platforms, content management software, and publishing platforms to bring the best out of his/her time.
Content marketing agencies are known to use these tools to cater to multiple clients with the same service at the same time, making their performance more efficient. Blog writers and freelancers can also take advantage of what these platforms
We’ve covered some of the tools content writers can use in 2022. So if you are a content writer trying to skyrocket your blogging skills, read on –
Productive Tools For A Blog Writer
Some applications that writers live by are – Google Docs, Microsoft Word, Google Drive, and WeTransfer. Nothing new there. But tools that are of immense use are –
Grammarly – Perfect Grammar Tool For A Blog Writer
Grammarly works similarly to the spell checker feature in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, but here’s the best part: it’s a plug-in that will operate wherever you’re writing. That includes Twitter, Gmail, Google Docs, and other services.
Hemingway Editor
The Hemingway App claims to improve your writing by making it “bold and straightforward.” It has a word counter and an automated readability score, among other useful features. However, its true utility rests in the features that offer suggestions for your writing.
As a writer, your focus is on the writing. Ommwriter reduces distractions to help you write. Its features include calming background noises, configurable keyboard effects, and tranquil backdrops to pick from.
It’s the best App for making to-do lists. It allows you to acquire a daily or weekly overview of your work, prioritize the most critical tasks, and even outsource tasks to others.
Adobe Express (formerly Spark)
If you want to explore creating your graphics to support your blog, Adobe Spark may be a good bet. The starter plan is completely free.
With this SEO tool, you can improve the quality of your content, get your content to rank on the first page or top of the search result, and Learn how Google Search perceives your pages. This is the most trusted SEO tool out there and this is a must-have for any content writer.
Wordstream is a free tool that determines the search volume of keywords and their competitive standing. Bloggers can determine the right keywords to be populated in an article.
Answer The Public
Answerthepublic.com is a keyword research tool that can help blog writers generate new ideas for their blog posts and optimize their content for search engines.
Answerthepublic.com can help bloggers with a list of questions and queries related to a particular keyword or topic. Blog writers can use these questions to generate new ideas for their blog posts and create content that is relevant to their audience’s needs and interests.
The software provides insights into the most commonly searched keywords and phrases related to a particular topic. Blog writers can use these keywords to optimize their content for search engines and improve their website’s visibility and ranking.
Answerthepublic.com allows blog writers to understand the intent behind specific search queries related to their topic. This helps writers to create content that answers their audience’s questions and provides valuable information.
Answerthepublic.com’s visualization tool allows blog writers to see the different variations of questions and queries related to a particular topic. This can help writers to plan their content strategy and create a content calendar that addresses their audience’s needs and interests.
Answerthepublic.com’s “vs. competitors” feature allows blog writers to compare their content strategy with their competitors and identify gaps in their content. This can help writers to create unique and valuable content that stands out from their competitors.
The Formula For A Good Blog
There is no one formula for a blog writer, however, there are a few basic rules you can follow for your writing to be better.
Following are those rules that a blog writer should follow.
Begin with a catchy title
While it helps set expectations for what a reader may anticipate seeing if they click through to your blog post, your title has the power to entice readers to read it – because 80% of people never read past the headline.
Provide References
Stats and links to outside sources are useful in this situation since they back up your view or counsel on an issue and give proof.
Make an organized outline
It also helps you to plan out a logical development for your article to achieve the purpose stated in the title.
Use headers and sub headers
According to surveys, internet users only read roughly 20% of the material on a page.
Mention the advantages of the mailing list regularly
It’s fine to urge individuals to subscribe, especially if the ultimate result would be beneficial. Mention it at the end of posts, on its landing page, and so on.
Importance Of Content Brief For A Blog Writer
A content brief is a document that contains all the information required for a content developer to create a piece of content. A blog writer may use content briefs to grow content while retaining quality. The finest content briefs seamlessly blend editorial guidance with content strategy to ensure that every piece of content is both well-written and SEO-ready.
Content briefs strengthen material marketing efforts by ensuring that whoever is implementing written content is completely aligned with the aims of the specific campaign and content marketing strategy.
This is critical if you want to scale out your content creation and have several authors and content creators working on different projects. Briefs enable content strategists and leaders to produce high-quality output at scale, laying the groundwork for consistent success.
Content is a financial investment.
You can’t afford to leave the whole direction of even a single piece of content to the discretion of individual content providers if you want to make the most of your time and money.
Content Brief has many advantages for content service companies and freelance bloggers as well.
An example of what a crisp brief template looks like –
Recommended Platforms For Publishing
Now that you have understood the tools required for content writing and some tools that aid the writers, we believe you may be able to produce some good content.
But there is one problem; where do you publish your piece?
There are many reputable platforms for publishing your work online.
LinkedIn is the best social media ad for business professionals, job seekers, freelancers, agencies, etc. LinkedIn has a feature where you can post long-form content, and it is the only social media app that allows users to do so. This is important for writers because you can get exclusive firmographic information on who is reading and participating, as well as reach and engagement data.
Medium is a great option if you want a simple, more personal blog without having to worry about a hosting provider, SEO, or revenue. Medium has close to 100 million monthly active users.
WordPress will be the best option for most wordsmiths who want to start a Blog with their domain name. To be clear, not WordPress.com, but WordPress.org, which allows you to install the open-source code on your website and helps search engines locate your business rather than your post on someone else’s site. This tool is definitely a must-know for a blog writer.
Final words: The Need For Tools In The World Of A Blog Writer
The main help that a blog writer can get from the tools mentioned in this article and otherwise is in the efficiency of work which is improved tremendously!
An average blog writer can create around a thousand words in a day based on thorough research. With the help of these tools, writers can produce more than double the amount of work they usually do, which helps the reader and the client as well as the writer.
There are, in a sense, distinct tools for each sector of business or daily life, which are becoming increasingly crucial in times of digitization and the like. Installed as an app or application on your smartphone or laptop, you may now access your data and complete your job from anywhere – no matter where you are.
And, of course, there are now digital tools for a blog writer that maintain websites, articles, or books for you so that you can readily access them.
Blogging is many people’s full-time job and the content writing tools mentioned in this article can be of tremendous help to those blog writers whose livelihood depends on it.
Even if you are someone who writes as a hobby, you can utilize these tools for improving the quality of your work as a blog writer.