About Us

With Fixbracket.com, we’re building a community piece by piece, and we’re loving it. Our endeavour is to provide quality content on Marketing Technology (Martech), UX Design, Social media, and Digitalization and its impact on individuals and culture. We hope to add a lot more in terms of content and engagement to our blog. We thank you for being a part of this journey.

We’ve also been receiving requests from individuals and small businesses to help them with various marketing challenges. We’re humbled by the response. Our team of marketing experts are here to help.

Here’s something that sheds light on what we can offer. Fill in the form at the bottom of the page and our expert with schedule a call at your convenience.

We Provide Marketing Services That Help Grow Your Brand.

Our marketing communication specialists have tons of experience handling brands for start-ups as well as established enterprises. No matter how specialized your industry is, we’ve worked with them all.

Editorial & Content

Case studies

Digital Marketing

Paid Media
Social Media
Content Marketing
Customer Acquisition strategy
Lead Generation strategy
Inbound Marketing

UX Design

UI designs
User Research
User Testing
Rapid Prototyping

Video production

Short Social Media video
Explainer video
CSR video
Corporate video

Our Approach


We’re User focused

Everything starts and ends with the User. The only way you can grow your business is when you’re Users are happy with your product or service.


Collaboration is key

We work closely with your team members, more as a partner than a vendor. We also have the best talent that we bring to the project.



You get to know what’s happening at every stage of the project.


Turn-around time

We understand the importance of ‘Go-Live’. Our endeavor is to provide the best quality within feasible time.

Thank you for your interest in FixBracket!

Do you have a project in your mind? Lets make something great together.

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