Google Analytics 4: Why UX Designers Should Leverage It.

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Google Analytics 4 is a free web analytics tool that helps marketers, UX designers, and website developers understand how visitors use their websites.


Several new features have been added to Google Analytics 4 recently, including the ability to see what pages are being accessed the most.


Additionally, you can now measure how your website is performing on different devices and platforms.


In this blog, we’ll try and explain how Google Analytics 4 can be used by UX designers to improve the user experience on a website or app. Hopefully, we’ll keep it crisp without sounding too technical 😀.


Advantages of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4.0 or Google Analytics 4 (aka GA 4.0 or GA4) is a free service provided by Google.


However, while the basic features of GA4 are free, some additional features and capabilities are only available through Google’s paid services, such as Google Analytics 360.


Google Analytics 360 provides more advanced features, higher data limits, and access to premium support. The cost of Google Analytics 360 varies depending on the specific features and services required, but it is generally more expensive than the basic GA4 service.


For most websites and apps, the free Google Analytics 4 service is more than sufficient to provide valuable insights and data. However, for large enterprises with complex digital products, the additional features and capabilities of Google Analytics 360 may be necessary to meet their needs.


We’ve provided highlights of Analytics 360 in this blog for readers who want to know more. But let’s start with the simpler version (for UX designers).






Google Analytics 4 is a powerful tool that UX designers can use to understand the behavior and performance of their digital products. Here are some ways UX designers can use GA4 –


Track user behavior:

GA 4.0 provides a wealth of data on how users interact with a website or app, including what pages they visit, how long they stay, and where they drop off. This information can help UX designers identify areas for improvement.


Measure conversion rate:

UX designers can set up conversion goals in Google Analytics 4 to track the success of their designs in terms of driving desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a form.



Google Analytics 4 allows UX designers to segment their audience based on demographics, behavior, and other factors, to better understand the needs of different user groups and tailor designs accordingly.


Heatmaps and session recordings:

Google Analytics 4 provides heatmaps and session recordings that allow UX designers to see exactly how users interact with their website or app, providing valuable insights into areas of confusion or frustration.


User testing and feedback:

UX designers can use Google Analytics 4 to track the results of user testing and gather feedback on design changes, to continually improve their digital products.


Overall, GA 4.0 provides UX designers with the data and insights they need to create better digital experiences for their users.


Not to missed features of Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 offers several popular features that help users to understand and improve their digital products:


Cross-device and cross-platform tracking:

GA4 provides a unified view of user behavior across devices and platforms, including websites, mobile apps, and other digital properties.


Real-time data:

GA4 provides real-time insights into user behavior, allowing users to quickly identify and respond to trends and issues.


Event tracking:

GA4 provides detailed event tracking, enabling users to track specific interactions with their digital products, such as clicks, form submissions, and video plays.


User-centric data:

GA4 collects data at the user level, allowing users to understand how individual users interact with their digital products over time.


Machine learning:

GA4 uses machine learning to automatically identify patterns and anomalies in user behavior, providing users with actionable insights without the need for manual analysis.


Integration with Google Ads:

GA4 integrates with Google Ads, allowing users to measure the performance of their advertising campaigns and understand how they impact user behavior.


User-friendly interface:

GA4 provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to access, understand, and act on their data.


These features, among others, make Google Analytics 4 a powerful tool for digital product owners, marketers, and UX designers to improve their digital products and better understand their users.



Here are examples of how companies have benefited from Google Analytics 4 (GA4) –


Improved User Experience:

A retail company implemented Google Analytics 4 to better understand the behavior of its customers on its website. GA4’s real-time data and cross-device tracking capabilities allowed the company to quickly identify areas of frustration for its customers and make design changes to improve the user experience. As a result, the company was able to increase conversions and reduce bounce rates.


Better Marketing ROI:

A B2B company used Google Analytics 4 to track the performance of its digital advertising campaigns. By integrating GA4 with Google Ads, the company was able to see how its advertising campaigns were impacting user behavior on its website and make data-driven decisions to improve marketing ROI.


Enhanced Customer Insights:

A SaaS company used GA4’s user-centric data and machine learning capabilities to gain a deeper understanding of its customers. GA4’s machine learning algorithms automatically identified patterns and anomalies in user behavior, providing the company with actionable insights into customer needs and preferences. This information helped the company improve its product offerings and better target its marketing efforts.


These are just a few examples of how companies have used GA4 to drive business results. With its powerful features and capabilities, GA4 provides a wealth of data and insights that can help companies improve their digital products and better understand their customers.


Google Analytics 360




Google Analytics 360 is a paid version of Google Analytics 4 that provides additional features and capabilities over the free version. Some of the features and services provided by Google Analytics 360 include:


Advanced-Data Collection and Processing:

Google Analytics 360 provides higher data processing limits and the ability to collect more data points, allowing users to get a more comprehensive view of their digital products and users.


Customized Data Models:

Google Analytics 360 provides the ability to create customized data models, allowing users to tailor the data collected to meet their specific needs.


Advanced-Data Analysis:

Google Analytics 360 provides advanced data analysis capabilities, including custom funnels, attribution modeling, and custom reports, allowing users to perform more sophisticated analyses of their data.


Integration with Other Google Services:

Google Analytics 360 integrates with other Google services, such as Google Ads and Google BigQuery, allowing users to combine their data and get a more comprehensive view of their digital products and users.


Premium Support:

Google Analytics 360 provides access to premium support, including priority support and service level agreements, to ensure that users have the help they need to get the most out of their data.


These are just some of the features and services provided by Google Analytics 360. The specific features and services provided vary depending on the specific needs of each customer, but the goal of Google Analytics 360 is to provide a more advanced and comprehensive solution for large enterprises and complex digital products.



Conclusion: Where can I learn more?


The popular sources to learn more are –


Online tutorials and courses:

There are many online tutorials and courses available, such as on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning, that cover GA4 and its features in detail.


Official Google documentation:

Google provides extensive documentation on GA4, including tutorials, videos, and FAQs, on its website. This is a great resource for getting started and finding answers to specific questions.



The best way to learn GA4 is to practice using it. Start by setting up GA4 on your website or app, and experiment with different features and tools to get a feel for how they work.


Join online communities:

Joining online communities such as forums, LinkedIn groups, and social media groups focused on GA4 can provide you with a wealth of information, as well as opportunities to network with other users and ask for advice.


Attend workshops or conferences:

Attending workshops or conferences focused on GA4 can provide you with hands-on training, as well as opportunities to hear from experts and learn about best practices.


Overall, a combination of online resources and practical experience is the best way to learn Google Analytics 4. Start with online tutorials and courses to build a foundation, then practice using Google Analytics 4 and join online communities to stay up-to-date and learn from others.


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